Thursday, March 26, 2009

This Nigga Ross


I didn’t even know that the gay community was upset with Rick Ross, but lo and behold here is Rick saying sorry. He took his time to sent a parting shot to 50 Cent in the apology.

"I heard I offended the homosexual community recently with terms I've been using the last few weeks - terms like fags, punks, homos, gays -- we all know. And what I want to say is I apologize. I sincerely apologize to the gay community, to the people I offended with the words like fags, gays, punks. You know, words like that. I apologize. And just to let the gay community know how sincere I am with my apologies, I'm offering and willing to do a record with a openly gay artist such as Curly, Curtis Jackson, 50 Cent. We all know he's gay. I'm willing to do a song...Even Elton John...Both two great gay artists...So I apologize to the gay community. That's from the boss...Now all the gays, we good. Peace."

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